Monday, July 30, 2012


So? Tell me, why do people feel that's an insult?
Yes, I realize I am indeed female. I see my vagina everyday. Or is that not what you meant? Was that comment a stab at my grace or my poise? Are you degrading me because my eyes shed tears as I bear the burden of not only myself but the people I love? Ask yourself, "since you've never cried" Mr. Man, who cried for you? Probably your mother, or your sister or wife...maybe they prayed to God that you wouldn't feel that pain. 
It's so difficult and frustrating being this gender sometimes. Women have been degraded since Eve took that bite.
I am a woman. I am an emotional creature and for good reason! Not only do I go through the monthly shit, I am force to worry about my uterus and breasts and ovaries and everything else in there. I have to be sure my hair and nails are healthy, that my legs, eyebrows, underarms and any other stray hairs are shaved. If I don't, I won't be considered "sexy".
 I am sassy, classy, intelligent and beautiful but I am not allowed to compliment myself because “that isn’t attractive”. I must be aware at all times to “act like a lady” and not give into my tomboyish desires. Society has forced me to think about the possibility of not finding the love of my life to marry. And then there’s the haunting thought of not being able to bear children. my "biological clock" is ticking...I'm only 20 -____-
I realize that I'm rambling but what was just said to me really grind-ed my gears...."You're such a girl"
Why though? WHY?!  Because I DON'T want to watch Sportscenter all day? Because I DON'T feel like working out? Because I DON'T feel like shaving everyday? Because I'm much more vocal about my feelings and opinions?
If you don't want a girl, go be with a man, thanks.

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